Friday, August 29, 2008

Labor Day Scrape - Day One

The good news: I've got the day off!

The bad news: I'm staying home to scrape and sand.

After dropping B at work, I came back, read the morning paper while I ate a roll and drake a hot cuppa mud, then set to work scraping paint off the back of the house. It faces east. The sun was blazing. I was able to keep that up for maybe twenty minutes
before I had to seek shade on the north side of the building, where I scraped paint off the corner caps until around ten-thirty when I had to run an errand into town to pick up a window and a beanbag chair. Did you know you can still buy beanbag chairs? It surprised me, too.

By the time I came home the sun was high enough that the eaves were throwing a shadow down half the wall, not enough to make me happy, so I went back around the side of the house and finished of scraping paint off the corner caps, and even peels a few sheets off the north side, way up top. I have no idea how long I did that; maybe an hour, maybe a little more, but I didn't go around to the back until the whole wall was in shade and I could work on the ladder without having the sun burning my butt.

All the paint comes off this side of the house like the strip hanging in the photo. With nothing else to do, I made a game out of how long I could make the peel go. I got this one to go from the corner to the window. The paint on the lower panels was too brittle to peel off in sheets that long, and some of the panels have cracked, breaking the paint into crazy quilt pieces.

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