Tuesday, August 26, 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like progress ...

The evening's daylight was fading fast as I snapped this shot of the north side of Our Humble O'Bode. I had just finished spending an hour sanding with some heavy grit paper on a belt sander, hoping to extend that straight line of paint-free panels all the way across, but the belt separated when I was still three feet short of my goal. You can just make out, to the right of the ladder, where the sanded panels end and the chipped paint begins.

I can begin to see a light at the end of the tunnel. I plan to do a bit more sanding on Thursday night, and I've taken time off from work Friday and Tuesday to stretch the Labor Day weekend to a full five days. With some persistence and some good weather, I should be able to get this side of the house primed and make a good start sanding the back. (We dangled a ten-dollar-an-hour bribe in front of Tim to see if he'll help scrape paint. Stay tuned.)

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