Sunday, October 5, 2008

Make room! Make room!

It's raining today, so as I was looking around for a indoor project I thought, hey, it's about time to flip the workshop door over.

The door to the work shop opened in the wrong direction. It had always opened into the work shop, and the hinge was on the wrong side so that, when the door was open, it blocked the very narrow entrance. Totally ganked up.

The simplest way to fix it would be to remove the door, but I liked that door and the work shop should probably be closed off from the rest of the basement, to keep the sawdust in. So I decided the door had to stay.

The next simplest way to fix it, I thought innocently, would be to flip the hinges around so it opened into the stairway. So I marked the door jamb, sharpened my chisel and started cutting.

Two hours later I was still learning lessons in how to hang a door. Here's a very important bit of information: get somebody who knows what they're doing to help you.

And yet, somehow, I still managed to get it flipped over well before supper time. Here's the door hanging ajar in its new, correctly hung direction.

The whole point of this endeavor was to make more room in the work shop for the projects I hope to get done this winter. There's just one more little thing I'd like to do. See that wall in the background? It's coming down.

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