Saturday, October 18, 2008

Lair Transplant

Behold, the contents of my basement lair, removed to its new location.

Each night this week, I would spend about an hour unloading books from one of these bookshelves, piling them on the floor, dragging the book case from the semi-finished room to this corner, and restacking the books on the shelves.

Actually, after the bookcase on the right, the next think I moved was the stereo, so I could listen to Etta James while I moved the rest of the books.

I dragged the desk out right in the middle of the move, just to break up the monotony, and to give me the idea to stand the two peewee bookshelves in front of it. It was a eureka moment.

By Thursday night, I was done.

It's a lot less crowded than it looks, although the sofa will have to go. I'm going to ask Tim to help me drag it out to the curb this morning and prop a "Free To A Good Home" sign on it in the hopes that it'll be gone by Sunday night and we won't have to drag it back downstairs.

The new corner lair does need a better set of lights, but that might have to wait a little while. For now, it's bright enough for the kind of goofing off I do.

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