Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Those guys knew what they were talking about

"The violent destruction of life and property incident to war, the continual effort and alarm attendant on a state of continual danger, will compel nations the most attached to liberty to resort for repose and security to institutions which have a tendency to destroy their civil and political rights. To be more safe, they at length become willing to run the risk of being less free."

Alexander Hamilton, Federalist #8


Denver's Finest said...

Amen. Maybe if we could just, you know, follow the original Constitutional plan...

Unknown said...

Wouldn't it be grand? It's not like it's difficult to read. Okay, it can be a little difficult, but not a bit of it is more convoluted than the second amendment, and everybody in America seems to have an opinion about that, so the rest should be a cakewalk.