Monday, August 18, 2008

Tools of the Trade

My Darling B is showing off the many gadgets we've collected over the past three days to scrape and peel the old paint off Our Humble O'Bode.

On your left, the standard scraper. B seems to like this a lot. I don't think it's all that hot, but it has its uses. Mostly, it's very wide, so it can peel a lot of paint off in one go, if the paint's ready to peel off.

On your right, on top, the push-pull scraper. Razor sharp and able to rip paint off the wall, you can apply it at almost any angle to get the blade under the edge of the paint. Looks pretty scary, too, like something your CIA interrogator would bring to Gitmo after your one-on-one chats had progressed to the point where waterboarding wasn't getting you to talk about Osama's hidden base.

On your right, top, the gouging tool. You're not supposed to gouge, but we're at least twenty-four hours past the point of removing paint gently. I wanted this tool especially to rip open the painted-over vents under the paneling in the hopes that the coat of paint we apply won't bubble. It's pretty handy for scraping the gobs of paint out of the corners, too.

And on the left, bottom, so small you can barely see it, a pair of tweezers. Only B uses these. I'm not nearly as meticulous as she is.

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