Saturday, December 13, 2008

What Would Chief Al Say?

I'm this close to having hair long enough to pull back in a ponytail. I asked My Darling B to show me how to tie it back, but she went further than that: she combed it and tied it with an elastic band from a tin of them she had in her store of hair-care stuff. Considering that she told me years ago she'd leave me if I ever grew a ponytail, I'm gratified she not only accepted my latest phase of middle-age denial, she also took part in helping style it.

Even though it's still pretty short, I wore it back this way when we went to the market, and blended in pretty effectively with the rest of the organic-food crowd.

I may have to wait another four to eight weeks before I have a ponytail that's more like the founding father look I'm shooting for and less a middle-aged man trying to look like a kid again, although in my defense I've never had hair this long before in my life, so I don't think I'm in denial if I'm trying it for the first time.

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